Thursday, 31 May 2007


Just a quick note that a bug affecting ALL versions from 1.0-a1 (give or take a few versions) up until NOW has been discovered. It's rated medium-critical, and can allow a user to arbitrarily netsplit a network under certain conditions (no crashes, etc, however).

This has already been patched, and we are in the process of releasing 1.1.8-p1 (the version number will NOT change in the software).

To update:
* svn up tags/1_1_8_release to get the fix. (latest trunk also has the fix)
* make install
* /quote reload notice
* /quote reload privmsg

We'll release an updated tarball and windows version shortly.

Sunday, 27 May 2007

We ride bikes, we do.

InspIRCd - just a day after 1.1.8 has a new module already, written by yours truely. m_cycle. Written in 5 minutes, it's an equivilant to Unreal's /cycle command, with the exception that it overrides all channel modes except +b (it would be nasty to allow that one to get overridden ;p).

In other news, there is now an optional way to specify what IP address identd requests come from, for those that don't want to use the default interface.

Channels can now also have a set of modes applied on creation through - this setting should be the same NETWORK WIDE, otherwise you may end up with desync fun. :)

That's about it, but pretty reasonable productivity for a single day, eh? ;p


Two blogs in one day, shit, I gotta give this stuff up, it's addictive..


On to the topic, evangelism. If you want to help us, spread the word. Tell your friends, tell everyone about Insp, and what it lets you do. Spread things.

Another thing I'd like to encourage is registering on IRC indexes like - some of you might know we seem to have finally gotten a version on their page. Getting more people registered, and perhaps more people updated to the latest release(s) will push us further up.

Any more ideas? Drop me a line on IRC. :)


Saturday, 26 May 2007

1.1.8, woo

Complete with spangles and other bits to attract your local magpies!

On a more serious note, it's released now. Includes (beta) windows support, and a swagload of fixes over 1.1.7.

Get it now, babeh. :p

Tuesday, 22 May 2007


Craig has been doing some pretty neat funkeh GUI stuff, although it's probably for 1.1.9 rather than 1.1.8.

It's pretty much beyond words.

Awesome. :)

Monday, 21 May 2007

Unofficial windows builds now available

So, we've been doing some work here and there on the windows version, and it's to a state where you can start playing with it. It comes precompiled, and with a windows GUI.

My version (the .zip) is also (minimally) preconfigured, you just need to remove the ban nick on * so you can connect ;p.

Brain's version (the installer - I was too lazy to fuck with nsis at 1.30am) comes with a stock example conf.

Vista users, the GUI controller app will have a few issues unless you run it as administrator at the moment - however, this is NOT recommended.

Please do not report bugs on any of this on the tracker, instead talk to us on IRC at #inspircd.

A final note that this IS pretty early on in the windows development, so it may come with free bugs, in fact, there's some chance it won't work at all! ;p. Try it and see.

Thanks, and enjoy.

Brain's version:

My version:

Sunday, 20 May 2007

Holy shit on a pigstick

Windows. Support.

Two words, with powerful meanings.

Yesterday, we merged Burlex' windows patch into core (fucking monster it was too, 200-300kb). It all went fairly smoothly, apart from some problems with configure/building in linux/freebsd which Brain and myself soon had sorted fairly soon.

I then spent the rest of the day wrestling with vs2005, to find out it's a picece of shit.

I then grabbed my copy of vs2003, and so we have:

InspIRCd. Native. On Windows.


I'll be working to get something packaged up over the next few days probably.

Thursday, 17 May 2007

Disabled commands

Believe it or not, they were only working for core (= non module created) commands - I can't believe we didn't find that one earlier. :o

Kudos to Casey for (unwittingly!) helping find it - you cunning devil.

Kudos to Brain for (amazingly!) fixing it. You rock.

In other news, we're getting closer to merging in the native windows patch - it should be in SVN sometime this week perhaps. Then we'll be a windows and other OS ircd, which is a scary concept given how many (usually modular!) features we have available.

Stay tuned!

Monday, 14 May 2007

Exempt chan ops!

I've added the wonderful feature in SVN, and it's now extended to +fgcS so far -- +N support will come soon.

This *is* now also turned off by default, to mimic old behaviour.

Neat way to support both camps ;).

Sorry if this sounds incoherant, I've just come back from the pub!

Sunday, 13 May 2007


In more general news, it's sad to hear Syzop has had to retire from the IRCd scene. We wish him well healthwise, and hope that UnrealIRCd will continue to prosper in his absence.

Windows port 'n stuff

We've been a little quiet on the blogging front again, but we've been busy none the less!

Thanks to the help of a contributor we have a *native* windows port coming up, probably to be released with 1.1.8. It includes proper modules support (unlike 1.0 cygwin crap), iocp (fast socket engine on windows) and other schnazzy bits. Should be one to watch for!

I've also added the optional exemption of filtering of channel ops to m_blockcolor, and then decided that maybe a generic tag to exempt ops from different modes would be better, so now I'm working on that. Boooring stuff, but should be good once it's going well.

Brain's added some nice bits and pieces, such as a warning on server links when they don't respond to pings within a configurable time - which reminds me, /map for operators also shows link latencies now, which is way cool.

Our QA team seem to be getting back on track now too, which is great news - hopefully we'll see some heavy testing happening soon :)

Thursday, 10 May 2007

Features, features everywhere...

We now support UHNAMES. In a module. As well as NAMESX, at the same time. That's damn cool.

For those of you that don't know what UHNAMES is, it's an extension to the IRC protocol that displays the full nick!user@host of users in a channel, rather than making clients /who the channel every 100-200 seconds to get the information (total waste of bandwidth!). Nifty.

We also have in SVN now a few extensions to /who that should come in handy, such as searching on ident et cetera.

Stripcolours has an allowchanops tag, so you can exempt them if you want.

Also, +d (deaf) usermode now sends you a naffy little warning when you activate it in case you don't know what it does. :)

Progress is like a train, and we're gonna run you all over. :D

Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Who did that?

I committed a feature last night that may be interesting for larger networks: kill hiding.

G-Line doesn't show who banned someone, and if you've ever staffed on a big network, you'll know that sometimes when you kill someone popular, you'll get 3-5 messages (or more) about it, some of them being quite hostile.

We now have an answer for this!


Thanks to HiroP and owine for the idea. :)

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Two more features worth mentioning!

Before I give my hyperactive blogging a rest, probably best I mention two other really nifty (TM) features introduced over the past week or two!

First is m_auditorium: the basic idea being similar to ircnet's anonymous channels, or unrealircd's auditorium (+u) mode - funny that!

This is simply smashing for big channels, like meetings, or autojoin channels - whatever. It's the dogs bollocks.

On a more controversial note, we have m_invisible. Yes, this does what it sounds like: it's effectivly a mode to make yourself invisible in channels. Yes, this *can* be an invasion of privacy. Yes, a gun *can* be used to shoot a person. If you don't like the idea (some won't!) - then don't load it, or don't give anybody access to it (it requires a special item in your oper configuration to use.)

As the wiki page on this one says, "with great power comes great responsibility". We thought it would be better to give you the tools you need to find hackers, flooders, and such. Just don't abuse them.


Cool features: Holy shit, flash!?

Long time no blog.

(I keep saying that, don't I?)

Well, the reason we've been silent is probably that I'm the only one that remembers to blog, and I've been busy with life. Or something. Anyway, enough of that, this isn't myspace ;p


Yes, all those crappy clients out there that use XML socket to talk to the ircd can now be happy little clams and talk to the ircd using m_xmlsocket - it changes lines to use \0 termination instead of \r\n, just for all you little flashies out there.

Neat, huh?

For more information, see the wiki entry!