Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Configurable prefixes for +qa in 1.2

Another day, another new feature:

[13:55:16] * Zaba (zaba@ip102.148.adsl.wplus.ru) has joined #foo
[13:55:34] <@d> lo
[13:55:43] * Brik (kb@dhcp-150-237-221-127.wireless.hull.ac.uk) has joined #foo
[13:55:52] * penguin.omega.org.za sets mode: +q d
[13:55:57] * d sets mode: +a Brik
[13:56:03] ^^
[13:56:12] see Zaba?
[13:56:14] yeah
[13:56:18] new prefixen
[13:56:19] :P
[13:56:25] fancy it is
[13:56:28] <.Brik> hmm?
[13:56:28] and now I'll rehash and change them
[13:56:35] <.Brik> what's new?
[13:56:39] [13:56:28] and now I'll rehash and change them
[13:56:39] [13:56:35] <.Brik> what's new?
[13:56:45] configurable prefixes for +qa
[13:56:49] instead of just ~&

Not committed yet, but it will be going into the 1.2 branch soon.

On the more technical side of this, Services no longer have to worry (so much) about prefixes, as modes are passed in FJOIN instead (e.g. qo,w00t).

This also (theoretically) means different servers can have different prefixes (or have them turned off) with no problems, unlike 1.1.

You can even have prefixes for +q enabled only, or for +a only.

These are (currently) set via and . We'll probably move them though.

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