Saturday 20 February 2010

PySide tutorial: model view programming, part one

The third PySide tutorial here (part two: signals and slots available at and part one: basic introduction/hello world:, we're going to delve into something a little more involved and unique than the last two tutorials.

You've already seen by now that Qt has some aspects that are very similar to other programming libraries/toolkits, well, here's an idea which may not be so familiar to you, but, harnessed correctly, is very powerful.

If you've programmed much with GUI stuff before in C# or other languages, you'll be very familiar with widgets like QListWidget in Qt 4. Qt does, however, provide a more powerful alternative to standard widgets where you have to manually manage your data.

For those of you who have done much computer science studies, the pattern in this tutorial will be familiar to you: it's known as 'model view controller', but Qt doesn't actually have a controller component: most of that is handled by the view. So we have two main components: the model (the data) and the view (the presentation and logic of that data).

To get our feet wet, we're going to implement a simple, read-only list of data, with the data maintained separately from the actual widget.

On to the actual code!

# Written by Robin Burchell 
# No licence specified or required, but please give credit where it's due, and please let me know if this helped you.
# Feel free to contact with corrections or suggestions.
# We're using PySide, Nokia's official LGPL bindings.
# You can however easily use PyQt (Riverside Computing's GPL bindings) by commenting these and fixing the appropriate imports.
from PySide.QtCore import *
from PySide.QtGui import *
#from PyQt4 import *
#from PyQt4.QtCore import *
#from PyQt4.QtGui import *
import sys

# This is our model. It will maintain, modify, and present data to our view(s).
# As this is read-only, it's pretty straightforward, but it can get pretty complex.
# This is something that Qt Development Frameworks/Nokia are aware of and working on, in terms of
# better documentation, as well as a better implementation of all this, but both of those aren't
# really within the scope of this tutorial. ;)
# For more information on list models, take a look at:
# but do bear in mind there are other models (like tables) available, depending on your data needs.
# Again, beyond the scope of this tutorial for now. :)
class SimpleListModel(QAbstractListModel):
 def __init__(self, mlist):

  # Cache the passed data list as a class member.
  self._items = mlist

 # We need to tell the view how many rows we have present in our data.
 # For us, at least, it's fairly straightforward, as we have a python list of data,
 # so we can just return the length of that list.
 def rowCount(self, parent = QModelIndex()):
  return len(self._items)

 # Here, it's a little more complex.
 # data() is where the view asks us for all sorts of information about our data:
 # this can be purely informational (the data itself), as well as all sorts of 'extras'
 # such as how the data should be presented.
 # For the sake of keeping it simple, I'm only going to show you the data, and one presentational
 # aspect.
 # For more information on what kind of data the views can ask for, take a look at:
 # Oh, and just  to clarify: when it says 'invalid QVariant', it means a null QVariant.
 # i.e. QVariant().
 # 'index' is of type QModelIndex, which actually has a whole host of stuff, but we
 # only really care about the row number for the sake of this tutorial.
 # For more information, see:
 def data(self, index, role = Qt.DisplayRole):
  if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
   # The view is asking for the actual data, so, just return the item it's asking for.
   return QVariant(self._items[index.row()])
  elif role == Qt.BackgroundRole:
   # Here, it's asking for some background decoration.
   # Let's mix it up a bit: mod the row number to get even or odd, and return different
   # colours depending.
   # (you can, and should, more easily do this using this:
   # but I deliberately chose to show that you can put your own logic/processing here.)
   # Exercise for the reader: make it print different colours for each row.
   # Implementation is up to you.
   if index.row() % 2 == 0:
    return QVariant(QColor(Qt.gray))
    return QVariant(QColor(Qt.lightGray))
   # We don't care about anything else, so make sure to return an empty QVariant.
   return QVariant()

# This widget is our view of the readonly list.
# Obviously, in a real application, this will be more complex, with signals/etc usage, but
# for the scope of this tutorial, let's keep it simple, as always.
# For more information, see:
class SimpleListView(QListView):
 def __init__(self, parent = None):
  QListView.__init__(self, parent)

# Our main application window.
# You should be used to this from previous tutorials.
class MyMainWindow(QWidget):
 def __init__(self):
  QWidget.__init__(self, None)

  # main section of the window
  vbox = QVBoxLayout()

  # create a data source:
  m = SimpleListModel(["test", "tes1t", "t3est", "t5est", "t3est"])

  # let's add two views of the same data source we just created:
  v = SimpleListView()

  # second view..
  v = SimpleListView()

  # bottom section of the window
  hbox = QHBoxLayout()

  # add bottom to main window layout

  # set layout on the window

# set things up, and run it. :)
if __name__ == '__main__':
 app = QApplication(sys.argv)
 w = MyMainWindow()

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