Performs 'n stats!
A mostly boring day, albeit, thankfully a friday!
I unbroke the 1.1 stable build of insp (few careless typos, thanks CBX for your help!), worked a bundle, ate some delicious porridge and went shopping where I met a man with a head on a 90 degree angle with his back!
In other OSS news, I committed multi-line performs to Conspire (a lack of a feature that has been severely pissing me off for a long time. I'm really not sure what the people who helped come up with the XChat UI were thinking, but it's a serious hinderance for most serious (ab)users of IRC -- one which is now (thankfully!) rectified.
InspIRCd also has a really nifty graph on the stats page (created by moi). Apparantly jpgraph sucks at drawing dates for a short time period - it's gradually been getting better over time. Anyway, if you want a look, take a look at :).
Also had a nice time speaking to GraBBer about various stuff this evening (hi!).
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