Monday 22 February 2010

PySide tutorial: model view programming, part two

In the previous tutorial (, we covered the basics of how to create a read-only model, with multiple views presenting the data.

In this tutorial, you will build on the knowledge of what you learned previously, to add the ability to edit, delete, and add data in the model, from any of the views.

As always, feedback is very welcome.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Written by Robin Burchell
# No licence specified or required, but please give credit where it's due,
# and please let me know if this helped you. Feel free to contact with corrections or suggestions.
# We're using PySide, Nokia's official LGPL bindings.
# You can however easily use PyQt (Riverside Computing's GPL bindings) by
# commenting these and fixing the appropriate imports.
from PySide.QtCore import *
from PySide.QtGui import *
#from PyQt4 import *
#from PyQt4.QtCore import *
#from PyQt4.QtGui import *
import sys

# This is our model. It will maintain, modify, and present data to our view(s).
# For more information on list models, take a look at:
class SimpleListModel(QAbstractListModel):
 def __init__(self, mlist):

  # Store the passed data list as a class member.
  self._items = mlist

 # We need to tell the view how many rows we have present in our data. see tutorial #3
 def rowCount(self, parent = QModelIndex()):
  return len(self._items)

 # view is asking us about some of our data.
 # see tutorial #3 for more information on this.
 def data(self, index, role = Qt.DisplayRole):
  if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
   return QVariant(self._items[index.row()])
  elif role == Qt.EditRole:
   # The view is asking for the editable form of the data. i.e. unformatted.
   # See the comment in setData().
   return QVariant(self._items[index.row()])
   return QVariant()

 # the view is asking us to *change* some aspect of our data.
 # as in the above, it can be any aspect of the data, not *just* the information contained in the model.
 # remember to return true if you handle a data change, and false otherwise, always!
 # for more information, see:
 def setData(self, index, value, role = Qt.EditRole):
  # You might be expecting Qt.DisplayRole here, but no.
  # Qt.DisplayRole is the *displayed* value of an item, like, a formatted currency value: "$44.00"
  # Qt.EditRole is the raw data of an item, e.g. "4400" (as in cents).
  if role == Qt.EditRole:
   # set the data.
   # the str() cast here is mostly for peace of mind, you can't perform some operations
   # in python with Qt types, like pickling.
   self._items[index.row()] = str(value.toString().toUtf8())

   # *always* emit the dataChanged() signal after changing any data inside the model.
   # this is so e.g. the different views know they need to do things with it.
   # don't be lazy and pass a huge range of values to this, because it is processing-heavy.
   # because we are a simple list, we only have one index to worry about for topleft/bottom right,
   # so just reuse the index we are passed.
   QObject.emit(self, SIGNAL("dataChanged(const QModelIndex&, const QModelIndex &)"), index, index)
   return True
  # unhandled change.
  return False

 # if you e.g. don't want to make an item selectable, or draggable, here's the place to do it.
 # by default, items are enabled, and selectable, but we want to make them editable too, so we need to
 # reimplement this. of course, this means you can make only specific items selectable, for example,
 # by using the 'index' parameter.
 # For more information, see:
 def flags(self, index):
  return Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsEditable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled

 # remove rows from our model.
 # 'row' is the row number to be removed, 'count' are the total number of rows to remove.
 # 'parent' is the 'parent' of the initial row: this is pretty much only relevant for tree models etc.
 # For more information, see:
 def removeRows(self, row, count, parent = QModelIndex()):
  # make sure the index is valid, to avoid IndexErrors ;)
  if row < 0 or row > len(self._items):

  # let the model know we're changing things.
  # we may have to remove multiple rows, if not, this could be handled simpler.
  self.beginRemoveRows(parent, row, row + count - 1)

  # actually remove the items from our internal data representation
  while count != 0:
   del self._items[row]
   count -= 1

  # let the model know we're done

 # while we could use QAbstractItemModel::insertRows(), we'd have to shoehorn around the API
 # to get things done: we'd need to call setData() etc.
 # The easier way, in this case, is to use our own method to do the heavy lifting.
 def addItem(self, item):
  # The str() cast is because we don't want to be storing a Qt type in here.
  self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), len(self._items), len(self._items))

# This widget is our view of the readonly list.
# For more information, see:
class SimpleListView(QListView):
 def __init__(self, parent = None):
  QListView.__init__(self, parent)

  # unlike the previous tutorial, we'll do background colours 'properly'. ;)
  # we want our listview to have a context menu taken from the actions on this widget
  # those actions will be to delete an item :)

  # create a menu item for our context menu that will delete the selected item.
  a = QAction("Delete Selected", self)

  # hook up the triggered() signal on the menu item to the slot below.
  QObject.connect(a, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self, SLOT("onTriggered()"))

 # this is a slot! we covered signals and slots in tutorial #2,
 # but this is the first time we've created one ourselves.
 def onTriggered(self):
  # tell our model to remove the selected row.
  self.model().removeRows(self.currentIndex().row(), 1)

# Our main application window.
# You should be used to this from previous tutorials.
class MyMainWindow(QWidget):
 def __init__(self):
  QWidget.__init__(self, None)

  # main section of the window
  vbox = QVBoxLayout()

  # create a data source:
  self._model = SimpleListModel(["test", "tes1t", "t3est", "t5est", "t3est"])

  # let's add two views of the same data source we just created:
  v = SimpleListView()

  # second view..
  v = SimpleListView()

  # bottom section of the window:
  # let's have a text input and a pushbutton that add an item to our model.
  hbox = QHBoxLayout()
  self._itemedit = QLineEdit()

  # create the button, and hook it up to the slot below.
  b = QPushButton("Add Item")
  QObject.connect(b, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self, SLOT("doAddItem()"))


  # add bottom to main window layout

  # set layout on the window

 def doAddItem(self):
  # instruct the model to add an item

  # blank the text input.

# set things up, and run it. :)
if __name__ == '__main__':
 app = QApplication(sys.argv)
 w = MyMainWindow()

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